
Always know what’s happening

HD Video and Audio

Watch crisp and clean video anywhere, anytime. Scopgel Links connects your home to your phone in HD video, 24/7.


With your handheld remote, the on-screen display is focused specifically for entertainment so you can easily pull up audio/video entertainment and favorite devices.

On your mobile device, portrait mode scrolls naturally and is designed to display the correct icons with instant feedback of their current status.

From a touch screen, the icons are larger and the response time is incredibly fast for immediate control of anything in your smart home

One of the most touted benefits of Scopgel Links home automation and security  is providing peace of mind to homeowners, allowing them to monitor their homes remotely, countering dangers such as a forgotten coffee maker left on or a front door left unlocked.

Domotics are also beneficial for the elderly, providing monitoring that can help seniors to remain at home comfortably and safely, rather than moving to a nursing home or requiring 24/7 home care.

Smart homes can accommodate user preferences for convenience. For example, user’s can program their garage door to open, the lights to go on, the fireplace to turn on and their favorite tunes to play upon their arrival.

   Reach Your Potential

After working with Scopgel Links, your technology will begin to help your business reach its full potential. A roadmap for further innovation will materialize from the success of this first project, and your company will be well on its way toward making technology a competitive advantage.

       Scale Your Business

Most of our clients see tremendous growth after working with us. This is because technology is often the key to enable a small to mid-sized business to scale. By automating manual tasks and improving your customers’ experience, your revenue will climb without the need to grow your operations team.

   Become a Technology                             Leader

After working with Scopgel Links, you’ll be a savvy technology professional that is ready to take on disruption from Silicon Valley or anywhere else that is coming after your customers. In fact, if we work together enough, it is likely that you’ll be the one doling out some digital disruption in your industry.

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“We were having a hard time defining what a path forward would look like, and working with Scopgel Links helped us see what the path forward could be. We were able to better identify what we could do now and what we should save for later.”
Idowu Lasisi
Idowu Lasisi@username
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The biggest reason I would recommend Scopgel Links is their ability to take what we had envisioned and, instead of being order takers, be actual contributors and collaborators to get us where we need to. They are not afraid to challenge what they don't believe is right
G. Fatunbi
G. Fatunbi @username
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Scopgel Links is absolutely interested in our success as an organization. They see our success as an indicator of their success, versus other outsourced types of arrangements where frankly it's, "Hey, we coded this. It's done to spec. If you don't like it, you should've written a different spec." I got none of that working with Scopgel Links. They're in it with us all the way.

 22, Ayangbunren Roaed,

 Ikorodu Round Way.

 Ikorodu. Lagos. Nigeria

